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Battlefront & 28mm no históricos !?!

Publicado: 24/Mar/2011 16:10
por halcyon
Si ojeais las ofertas de empleo de Battlefront en la actualización de hoy, pone textualmente:
"Freelance Sculptors
With exciting projects on the horizon we are looking to expand our creative pool with a group of freelance sculptors to help us work on a variety of projects. We are looking for people with previous experience in 28mm and large scales of non-military themes. We need people with both metal and plastic experience, not necessarily both, as the projects involve multiple skill sets across varying themes. These are long-term projects and will involve serious work loads. You will be working closely with our studios in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States so you can be located anywhere in the world. If you are interested in being involved please send images of any ranges or models you’ve worked on along with your portfolio."

¿Qué estaran preparando estos bribones (muchos de ellos exgames-workshop)? Me echo a temblar...

Re: Battlefront & 28mm no históricos !?!

Publicado: 24/Mar/2011 16:20
por Von_Kartoffel
Temas No-Militares... ¿no será para escenografía de Galeforge Nine, que van a meter civiles, aldeanos y demás? Eso o lo del Capitán América no iba en broma pero era en 28 y no en 15...

2. We have the rights to produce the Star Wars tabletop miniatures game now that the Wizards of the Coast license have expired.
5. Our next big thing is going to be a Pirate vs. Ninja skirmish game in 30mm.
9. As part of a new license deal we will be releasing themed dice and gaming sets for the greatest comic book heroes in the world.
¿Al final han visto que el Ron & Bones vende y lo van a clonar? La duda me corroe...

Re: Battlefront & 28mm no históricos !?!

Publicado: 24/Mar/2011 23:50
por Cneo
Von_Kartoffel escribió:¿Recordáis?
2. We have the rights to produce the Star Wars tabletop miniatures game now that the Wizards of the Coast license have expired.

Esto si que sería mi ruina...no quiero ni pensarlo... :lol:

Re: Battlefront & 28mm no históricos !?!

Publicado: 25/Mar/2011 03:11
por Depres
Pues es curioso, si alguien ha leido su informe de año, pone esto:

Wizkidz is now back up and running a full speed and we have Green Lantern and Captain America releases planned to coincide with their new sets and the films out later in the year.

Re: Battlefront & 28mm no históricos !?!

Publicado: 25/Mar/2011 09:38
por Coronel_Oneill
Battlefront y Wizkids es lo mismo? 8O Ay madre,la globalizacion...Veremos heroclix de Hitler y Stalin? :|

Re: Battlefront & 28mm no históricos !?!

Publicado: 05/May/2011 23:48
por carlosdyc

Se que van a sacar packs de Green Lantern y Capitan America coincidiedo con sus respectivas pelis pero...que tiene que ver con BF, si ya se han visto las imagenes y son heroclix de toda la vida...

Ojalá sacaran miniaturas de Marvel COmics de calidad en 28mm..

Re: Battlefront & 28mm no históricos !?!

Publicado: 06/May/2011 14:50
por midian
Eso lo hace una empresa española, no se si tienen en 28mm de marvel:
