Forces of War: Easy Army se hace mayor

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Re: Forces of War: Easy Army se hace mayor

Mensajepor Yllanes » 17/Sep/2014 22:02

Se me había pasado, pero John-Paul habla del Forces of War:

John-Paul escribió:
1. Yes we plan on leaving access for those who have paid for the older books for a period of time on the old site once the new one goes live. This will have to be shut down eventually but it wont come down when the new site goes live.

2. You are absolutely correct that this was on the cards as the entire point of us giving Gregg permission to do what he has been doing with Easy Army was that we knew what the end goal was. Gregg has been working hard in his spare time to keep things alive and letting him charge a small fee was our way of keeping it going whilst we got our ducks sin a row for a long term plan. Now those of you who have used it in the past know the value of what he has done but to bring it to the wider audience we have to bring things in house both for us and Gregg as it is the only way it would grow into something more.

3. Not surprisingly Forces of War and our digital book plan are linked and you will see the first part go live in the next few weeks. The impact or not on physical books is not the driving force behind these new services but they are a necessary part of the war gaming offer now expected by gamers and moving into digital products as part of the mix is something we need to do to stay current and evolve.

4. What you cannot see yet is that both of these projects will offer you things that we cant do in paper, the choice to pick exactly what you want. You will be able to get access to single companies so that you don't have to buy the complete book to get the one that you need. Books have never been about paper sales as in most cases the studio cost that goes into them is never paid back for the time they took but books drive model sales and that is what the hobby is all about. Building and playing with armies and the more we can do to make it easier to do that the better for all.

More info will go live on the site as soon as we get our digital app approved to go live later this week so stay tuned as you will be able to see what we have done there and get some sense of what is to come for Forces of War.

Así que se va a mantener el acceso a los libros pagados, por un tiempo, y todo el proyecto va a estar relacionado con la edición de libros electrónicos.

Más tarde:

Please remember that you paid a few dollars for an entire book that costs US$30 for the real thing and only after a while as it was free for a long time. The small charge was to allow Gregg the chance to continue doing what he wanted with our permission. The commercial reality of making this work for a much bigger audience, servers, data and the coding time is not free and the fact we are now investing in this means it needs to have a proper business model. We let Gregg offer the lists free and then at a small charge without ever asking for anything in return to let EA exist and grow knowing we would want to do more down the road and now it is the time to turn it into something more.

As far as the future is concerned you will not be forced to buy anything as the option of being able to have exactly what you want means just that. You will be able to buy a single company digital list instead of a book and the FOW list in the same way. For a fraction of the price of a book you can have the digital and FOW access either together or alone. There will be complete books as well and full compilations for those that want that but our plan gives you the choice to take what you want and leave the rest.

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Re: Forces of War: Easy Army se hace mayor

Mensajepor Yllanes » 17/Sep/2014 22:09


John-Paul escribió:Posted By John-Paul on 16 Sep 2014 12:36 PM
I think some of you are missing the point.

We let Gregg use OUR IP for free to give you something FREE and then REALLY CHEAP because we thought it was the right thing to do.
If Gregg was not doing this in his spare time and you had to pay him a wage and then add in all the other costs the books should have cost $10 no $2.
What Gregg does is very time consuming and part of our taking it over is to pay him properly for the time he spends on it and then add the structure to offer it to a much wider audience. This takes time and money. Gregg did this for fun and not profit and it was because of this we let him offer it to the market but the $2 he was charging was to pay servers and hosting charges and then he still needed to have adverts to just keep the thing alive. That situation ends with people getting tired of the work or frustrated with the time they spend without return so we came up with a better version of that plan. You can of course disagree but our position is that it is the right time to do what we are doing.

I appreciate that when things are free or so cheap they might as well be that it surprises some people when a company tries to charge a fee for work they did and own but at the end of the day we have to move ahead and do what we think will work. For those of you that expected Gregg to simply continue operating without any return and keep the site running forever no matter what and all for $2 a book you are a little misguided. We want to give people flexibility and choice at a sensible price. Your choice is as always to buy or not buy and enjoy the hobby in whichever way you feel best suits your needs.

Supongo que a alguna gente no le gustará, pero yo creo que tiene razón. Con EA no estabas comprando un libro, simplemente una licencia de uso de una página (a un precio irrisorio).

Y, por cierto, el creador de FoWlists dice que, al haber un generador de listas oficial, dejará de actualizar su página.

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Re: Forces of War: Easy Army se hace mayor

Mensajepor Cneo » 19/Sep/2014 00:00

Como siempre, volvemos a sacarle la pasta al jugador...como se nota que en BF hay ex-directivos GW...van por el mismo camino.

Al final Infinity se va a quedar solo como juego con generador de listas oficial gratuito...encima FOWlists cierra...habrá que volver a los Excel y al ArmyBuilder... :S

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Re: Forces of War: Easy Army se hace mayor

Mensajepor PanzerKanone » 19/Sep/2014 21:23

Ahora cunde más que nunca comprar los libros, no son tantos al año y no creo que a un jugador le interesen todos.
Hilo con enlace a la traducción del manual FOW V4 al español:

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Re: Forces of War: Easy Army se hace mayor

Mensajepor Meldrel » 20/Sep/2014 01:04

A algunos no les gustará... y otros parece gustarle gastar dinero dos veces en lo mismo.

10$ me parece excesivamente caro.

- No tienen costes de impresión
- No tienen costes de envío a los distribuidores
- No tienen que repartir parte del precio con los distribuidores
- No tienen que repartir parte del precio con las tiendas

Luego está por ver si todo el transfondo que le meten en los libros, va a estar incluido también en ese army.

@PanzerKanone En mi caso no era cuestión de tener o no tener el libro, que muchos los tengo. Era cuestión de comodidad a la hora de hacer las listas. Hacías listas en 5 minutos, y las imprimías con todo lo necesario para jugar (incluídas las reglas especiales) cosa en las que fallaban otros como fowlist.

PD: Personalmente, en infinity han tomado la mejor decisión para todos. Listas gratis, transfondo de pago. Si quieres un libro bonito con sus páginas, sus imágenes y su "todo", pagas por él. Si quieres jugar, tienes todas las listas accesibles desde el primer momento.
PDD: Sería un buen punto para ellos que el que comprara el libro pudiera acceder a él en este army.

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Re: Forces of War: Easy Army se hace mayor

Mensajepor Poneyboy_ » 08/Ene/2015 17:04

En esto como en todo lo económico dependerá de la mayoría de la gente. Es verdad que siempre da rabia que a los que nos gusta el papel clásico nos asuste el cambio pero todo indica que el papel desaparecerá con el tiempo y tendremos el síndrome de abuelo ese de "en mis tiempos llevaba mis libros a todas partes y estas moderneces no van conmigo".

Tampoco es cierto eso que se comenta muchas veces de los costes. De hecho en realidad lo que te ahorras en impresión, fotomecánicas, imprentas, almacenaje y otros gastos del formato "tradicional" los tienes parecidos en forma de programación de bases de datos, gestión de los soportes, software necesario para esa gestión y plataformas de pago, diseñadores para la parte visual, etc etc. En el precio final de usuario al final no es margen tan grande como pretende la gente que es profana al mundo editorial de cualquier tipo.

Tampoco nos olvidemos que los precios estarán pensados a un nivel mundial (supongo) y que en España precisamente no estamos en un momento de auge con lo que los precios que aquí parecen altos en realidad no lo son. Hace pocos meses 15$ eran unos 9€ pero ahora ya no sale tan rentable comprar a precio de $.

En todo caso, como casi todo en esta vida, hay opciones y no se acaba el mundo por ello. Si nos parece caro siempre se pueden hacer las listas en un excell, o en papel. Nadie nos obliga a nada. O jugar a ediciones anteriores.

Habrá que esperar un tiempo para ver como dejan las cosas y esperar que sea a gusto de la mayoría :)

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